GreenREFORM is an environmental and climate-economic model for the Danish economy, which is currently in development. The goal is to develop an analytical tool that allows for an integrated and consistent assessment of the environmental and climate effects of economic policies.

The goal of the project is to develop an analytical tool that allows for an integrated and consistent assessment of the environmental and climate effects of economic policies, as well as the socioeconomic effects of environmental, energy and climate policies. An important premise for this, and a goal in itself, is that the baseline simulation of the model should provide a comprehensive assessment of how future economic development is expected to affect the environment and climate. Further, the baseline simulation should assess whether this development is compatible with the political goals within these areas.

The project started as a research project and was since supplemented with funds from the Ministry of Finance. A description of the project and its purpose, which is still relevant, can be found in the application for the research project. The text on this page should be read as a supplement to this description.

About GreenREFORM

About the modelling in GreenREFORM

GreenREFORM consists of a main CGE-model and a number of sub-models that describe particularly important sectors for climate and environment.

The Main Model

The main model is developed as a general equilibrium model that links the sub-models and describes the overall economic activity.

Agriculture and Land Use

Sub-model for agricultural production as well as emissions to air and aquatic environment including emissions associated with land use.


Sub-model for the production of electricity and district heating, including international trade in these areas.


Air, water and land transport, including the sectors' emissions.


Sub-model for waste and recycling including the role of incinerators in energy supply and their emissions.

Abatement of emissions

Sub-model for reducing energy consumption and emissions across industries through switching to new green technologies.

Example of application

The effects of an implementation of a Danish greenhouse gas emission tax (also referred to as carbon tax) in the current preliminary version of the dynamic CGE-model GreenREFORM.

Read the analysis