Contact DREAM

DREAM's address is Landgreven 4, Copenhagen. It is a few minutes walk from Kongens Nytorv.

Landgreven 4, 7th floor
1301 Copenhagen K

Landgreven 4, 7th floor
1301 Copenhagen K

The reception is located in the building's ground floor
and is open weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm.

CVR-number:  10108330
EAN-number:  5798000010505

Do you have a question about our calculations, numbers or analyses? Or do you need a comment or an interview with one of our economists?

As a journalist or researcher, you are always welcome to contact DREAM. Contact Research Director Peter Stephensen:

+45 25 26 27 60

Direct contact

You are also welcome to contact one of DREAM's economists directly.


About us

The DREAM group provides independent and research based analyses of the Danish economy.

The analyses are used by both public and private actors in the form of ministries, commissions, NGOs, think tanks, etc.

About the DREAM Group

Our work

DREAM analyses the core areas of the Danish economy: Financing the welfare state, fiscal sustainability, climate and environment, etc.

Our academic competence is the development of analytical tools that can evaluate economic policy initiatives.

Economic models

Our organisation

The DREAM group is an independent semi-governmental institution. The Board determine guidelines for DREAM's organisation, long-term activities and development.

DREAM is mainly funded by a financial contribution from the Ministry of Finance.

DREAM's organisation